What does Sharehouseinvest.ch offer?

The principle is simple and straightforward. Sharehouseinvest.ch buys carefully selected and financially interesting investment properties on the Swiss market. It adds these to its own portfolio.

Sharehouseinvest.ch offers small and medium-sized capital investors, savers and pensioners the opportunity to collectively share in the financial success of these interesting investment properties by contributing capital. Investment properties present reasonable investment risks plus reliable, safe and above-average returns in the long term.

Sharehouseinvest.ch finances between 60 and 70% of these investment properties with outside capital through Swiss banks or insurance companies, though it remains a co-investor in each and every property.

Capital investors contributing CHF 50,000 or more can share in the successful returns on Sharehouseinvest properties and usually earn interesting annual returns.

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    Villa Reding, Redingstrasse 5, CH-9000 St.Gallen
    T +41 (0)71 222 34 37